
Allianz Technology SE Magyarországi Fióktelepe 
Könyves Kalman körut 48, 1087 Budapest, Hungary

Compliance & Whistleblowing 

The Local Compliance Officer of Allianz Technology Hungary Branch is designated to handle reports related to potential violations of external legal or internal Allianz regulations. Any information regarding such potential violations can be reported via the BKMS WHISTLEBLOWING TOOL

Please be advised that your report can only be investigated if it contains sufficient information. Hence, we ask you to provide as many details as possible. When you submit a report, we will confirm the receipt within 7 days. If the report is in line with the relevant legal regulations we conduct an investigation and we will provide information to you on its results.

It is useful for our investigations team if you provide your name and/or an e-mail address when submitting a report. This enables us to contact you in case we have any follow-up questions. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, however, we will respect your decision and your concern could still be investigated. In this case we advise you to use the anonymous option in the BKMS whistleblowing tool. Allianz Technology does not tolerate retaliation in any form against anyone who submits a report in good faith. This remains the case even in cases where an investigation does not confirm the
allegations made.

Your information will be treated confidentially. We take appropriate steps to make careful use of all information received, and to safeguard the interests of all involved persons. All data provided is processed in accordance with applicable data privacy requirements. 

If you would prefer not to use the reporting tool, you may deliver your concerns:

·       via e-mail to the address: [email protected]  
·       in person, verbally, directly to the Compliance Officer for Hungary
·       in writing, in physical format to this address:
        Allianz Technology Magyarországi Fióktelepe., Local Compliance Officer, Könyves Kálmán krt. 48-52. | H-1087 Budapest, Hungary

You also have the right to report externally to competent local authorities if you prefer to. Pursuant to the decision of the Hungarian Government, the following authorities accept reports on misconduct as external reporting channels:

-       the Directorate General for Auditing European Grants,
-       the Economic Competition Office,
-       the Integrity Authority,
-       the Public Procurement Authority,
-       the Hungarian National Bank,
-       the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority,
-       the National Media and Communications Authority,

The relevant local (Hungarian) regulation is the Act No. CLXV. of 2013. on “Complaints and announcements of public interest” is available here : 
2023. évi XXV. törvény - Nemzeti Jogszabálytár (